Looking Good In November

What's looking good this month?

Around the Visitor Centre

As you leave the Visitor Centre look for the southern hemisphere plants now in flower.

Grevillea rosmarinifolia is easily mistaken for rosemary as the foliage is so similar but the crimson-red spidery flowers are the giveaway.

Correa backhouseana on the other side of the pathway is an Australian coastal plant that carries its dainty pink & cream bell-shaped flowers from autumn through to spring.

Grevillea victoriae (referred to as the Royal Grevillea) has silver leaves and clusters of small apricot coloured flowers.

Fox Path

Along Fox Path and on many banks in the Garden, the dainty flowers of Cyclamen hederifolium are emerging amongst the fallen beech leaves.

We’ve planted over 1000 in the garden and they will steadily increase from seed to form a tapestry of colour.

Further along Fox Path, look our for the emerging yellow blossoms borne on long racemes of Mahonia x media ‘Charity’.

Radiata Path

At the beginning of Radiata Path, Camellia sasanqua ‘Crimson King’, the oldest Camellia at Trebah which is believed to be over 90 yrs old, is the first to flower each year.

Its flowers are bright crimson with attractive golden yellow stamens and are lightly fragrant.

Petry's Path

Across the Garden on Petry’s Path Camellia sasanqua ‘Hugh Evans’, another autumn flowering Camellia, has bright pink fragrant flowers and like all the sasanquas enjoys a warm sunny location.

Beach Path

At the top of Beach Path, exotic-looking terrestrial bromeliads from Chile are showing colour – Fascicularia bicolor is related to the pineapple and in autumn the leaf bases turn a vivid red with pale blue flowers at the centre.


The massed planting of Hydrangeas at the bottom of the garden are still showing lots of colour.

They have thrived this year with the combination of sun and rain and should keep flowering right up to Christmas.

Autumn Colour

There is still plenty of autumn colour to be enjoyed in the garden.

Head to Alice's Seat to see a collection of stunning Acers, or simply gaze down the valley from Lawn Path to see our shelterbelt trees in full autumn colour.