Nigel's retirement date is fast approaching
Nigel has provided Trebah with strong leadership and, with the support of the trustees and his dedicated team of staff over many years, has done a great deal to strengthen Trebah’s status, both reputationally and financially.
“It has been quite a journey” Nigel says “in particular, two momentous events come to mind; dealing with the unexpected financial crash in 2007-9 (the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of 1929) and its aftermath, and the major impacts and changes, including enforced closures, resulting from the covid pandemic, with all that this entailed. These periods were especially stressful, yet very rewarding in the way in which we all pulled together to overcome the challenges in such a positive and successful way."
Reflecting on Nigel’s contribution, Robert Dudley Cooke, the Trust’s Chairman, comments:
“ Nigel Burnett, our general manager/director and a member of the Management Committee of the Trustees, is retiring at the end of June after 18 successful years heading up the management of Trebah. Nigel’s early years at Trebah centred around steering a course through the then-difficult financial times occasioned by the provision of the Visitor Centre. Under his stewardship, however, Trebah has gone from strength to strength and, during his time, many changes and additions to our facilities have been planned and executed; the improved access to the beach, the new Amphitheatre, the newly completed and opened the Court Garden and, wearing proudly our green credentials, the solar panels and ground source heating, in addition to major alterations to Trebah House. Many awards have been received giving testimony to the Trebah success story. We wish Nigel every happiness in his retirement and he leaves with our most grateful and heartfelt thanks for a job exceedingly well done."
Nigel makes special mention of the Trebah Members, adding “I am particularly grateful for the support of the Trebah Members. During my tenure the number of Trebah Members has increased threefold; it is always pleasing to see familiar faces returning again and again and valuing the work we all do”.
Finally, we know Nigel was especially pleased and proud to receive recognition from the industry last year at the annual Cornwall Tourism Awards, with a personal award granted to him for “Outstanding Contribution to Cornish Tourism”. A fitting end to his career.