After a busy May in the Plant Centre, June sees more of our beautiful home-grown plants coming down for sale from the nursery, including a wider range of long-flowering patio varieties, scented Pelargoniums, Cannas, and other unusual plants – many of which are displayed in the Court Garden.

Wonderfully scented Nemesias – ‘Wisley Vanilla’, Nemesia ‘Citrine’ Nemesia ‘Fleurie Blue’ and Nemesia ‘Evening Dusk’ Long-flowering Calibrachoa ‘Mango’, Calibrachoa ‘Bright Red’ and the bold yellow Petunia ‘Bees Knees’ (as seen in the Court Garden) Deepest purple Verbena ‘Showboat Midnight’, and also other lovely colours including Lavender, Peach and White Diascia ‘Little Dancer’ with masses of small pink flowers and compact habit (as seen in the Court Garden)

Other sensory plants we have on offer include our range of fabulously fragrant Pelargoniums which are also brilliant for attracting bees – these are wonderful planted by doors and pathways so you can enjoy the scent when brushing past, or gently rub the new foliage to release the scent.

Pink Capitatum – masses of bright pink flowers on vigorous plants all summer long, with scented foliage Orange Fizz – zingy orange scented foliage and pretty pink flowers with deep purple blotch Cola Bottles – fresh foliage smells just like coca cola with a twist of lemon – you have to smell it to believe it!

Unusual home-grown plants on offer this month include:

Isoplexis canariensis – Canary Island Foxglove – this interesting and unusual shrub has tall spikes of amber or apricot-coloured foxglove-like flowers which are very attractive to bees and can be seen flowering in the hot borders of the Court Garden Wachendorfia thyrsiflora – long pleated leaves form a large clump which produces tall flower spikes studded with golden yellow star-shaped flowers during late spring and early summer. Known as bloodroot, due to the bright orange-red tubers from which they grow (take a look underneath at the bottom of the plant pots and you can see their vibrant colour!) Digitalis ‘Foxlight Ruby Glow’ – outstanding new Foxglove, producing long-lasting stems of plum coloured flowers with copper-gold throats over a long period from late spring to early autumn. Very attractive to bees. Digitalis ‘Illumination Flame’ – another new fabulous new Foxglove, bred by crossing Digitalis with the Canary Island Foxglove, Isoplexus canariensis. Long-lasting stems of flame and apricot coloured flowers are produced over a long period from June to November and are very attractive to bees and other pollinators.

Cornish Roses for classic elegance and beauty

And finally, newly into the Plant Centre for June, we have a fresh delivery of top quality roses grown especially for us by the Cornish Rose Farm at Mitchell. All of these roses are specifically chosen for their suitability to our Cornish climate and have been expertly grown for us in peat-free compost. We have a wide selection of varieties, with many highly fragrant and the range includes climbers, ramblers, and old fashioned beauties such as Rosa de Resht, Blue for You, and Buff Beauty, which can also be seen (and smelled!) in the Court Garden at the moment.

We’d love to help with all your gardening requirements, so if there is anything you can’t see in stock on your visit do please ask if we have it in the nursery, or we may be able to order in for you from one of our fantastic local suppliers. And don’t forget to present your Trebah card at the till to take advantage of your members discount.

We look forward to seeing you soon – happy gardening!
