Eating & Drinking
Fresh, nutritious, sustainable, inclusive & ethical
At Trebah Kitchen, our meals always include fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and seeds. We like to use herbs and spices to flavour, rather than salt. Where possible we use healthy oils, rather than butter and fats, and all fats are low saturated.
When placing an order in the cafe, please see the printed menus on the tables and have your table number to hand when ordering at the till.
All visitors enjoy FREE entry to the cafe, gift shop and plant centre, so whether you’re here for a garden visit, or just want to pop in have a browse, there’s nothing to pay for entry to these areas.
About Trebah Kitchen
If you would like to book a table in the cafe, please call 01326 252200 and press 3 for Trebah Kitchen.
We engage with suppliers from the immediate community. We use local seasonal ingredients, our meats are ethically reared, fish is always sustainable and our eggs are free range.
We strive to be aware of, and make provision for, as wide a variety of dietary requirements as possible. Please make staff aware of any allergies or food intolerances you may have before placing your order
Our Boathouse Beach Cafe is situated on Trebah’s stunning private beach, where our garden meets the Helford River
Originally built by Donald Healey, motor racing driver and designer of Healey cars, to store his boats whilst he lived at Trebah from 1961-71.
It is now used for serving freshly ground ethically sourced coffee from local supplier Origin, as well as very delicious ice cream from Roskilly’s, made on the other side of the river.
The Boathouse Beach Cafe is open April to November, weather permitting