Dear all,

Following a very busy May half term here at Trebah we are catching our breath before we approach the main summer and with it a number of events – we have four nights of theatre this month and our first of several beach BBQ’s – so a shorter piece from me this month.

The Court Garden is looking fantastic at present and the scent from various blooms on a warm still afternoon is wonderful. The wet spring followed by the recent sun and Trebah’s natural sheltered valley has led the gunnera in the garden here to grow to new heights, it’s genuinely the tallest I’ve seen anywhere and very much worth a visit this summer to stand underneath it if you’ve not visited recently.

Saturday 1st June saw us host Military Day here at Trebah. A special anniversary as this marked 80 years to the day when 7500 American troops from the 29th Infantry Division embarked onto 10 flat-bottomed landing craft and made the journey east towards Portsmouth before travelling south ready for the D-Day landings in Normandy on 6th June. Those that left Polgwidden Cove landed on Omaha beach where they suffered heavy casualties. The event here last week, arranged by the Parachute Regimental Association’s Royal Cornwall Division, commemorated the brave actions of all involved in the D-Day landings and all those who have given military service. For us to host and to be part of the day was, for many of us, quite moving and I wanted to publicly thank all Trebah team and the organisers for their efforts.

Staying on the theme of people, this week is National Volunteers Week. We have a growing number of volunteers involved here at Trebah who give their time across many areas of our work, most regularly in the garden and supporting our events programme, but also helping orientate people and in Trebah Kitchen too. We genuinely couldn’t care for the garden or operate in the way we do without the hours donated by our volunteer team and we are very grateful to all the support they provide to us. So, to all of our Volunteers, thank you, we really appreciate what you do. If you are interested in talking to us to find out what volunteer roles we have available please email us here.

Thanks as ever for your support here at Trebah.

Best wishes, Jon