Asparagus Family
Camassia leichtlinii subsp. suksdorfii Caerulea Group is a colourful addition to the garden that can be found growing on the grassy bank around Camellia Walk.
It has long linear leaves and purple/blue start-shaped flowers that bloom from the top of its long stems.
Trebah has a large and varied collection of camellias. The oldest camellia at Trebah, Camellia sasanqua ‘Crimson King’, is believed to be over 90 yrs old and heralds in the camellia season with its bright crimson flowers. Others that start flowering before Christmas are Camellia sasanqua ‘Hugh Evans’ and Camellia japonica ‘Nobilissima’ and others continue until mid-summer.
Whilst camellias can be enjoyed at different parts of the garden, we have many varieties that grow on Camellia Walk – one of the first paths you come to as you enter the garden. As you can imagine, it is quite a colourful site to behold in spring.