We are absolutely delighted to announce our fifth full events season - and it's the biggest one yet!
Combining performances across the garden with our TEVI 2020 programme we have an event for every age and interest; from micro-theatre in a caravan to talks on hydroponics, from art walks to outdoor film screenings and from performances for under 4s to pilates.
2020 is going to be action packed!
This newsletter tells you all you need to know about our performance events and we'll be following up soon with another newsletter outlining all our TEVI 2020 events - there really is too much for just one newsletter!
For many of our evening events this year we will be joined by local pop-up food vendors to cook us up some delicious hot food before we settle in for the evening. These will be street food style, so there's no need to book in advance, but check out our event listings on our website for details about who will be rustling up some tasty dishes this summer!
Take a look at some of our performances below, or CLICK HERE to viewing our full listings and book your tickets.